Comments (3)
Ads turned off after "3" rate, dont ask me why... ;)
Legacy Of Recruits [RPG]
Game Soundtrack
Attacking - For attacking use skills down!
Shop - Shop feature unlocked after killing orge!
Inventory - For wearing sword or armor use inventory!
Damage - To know how damage you make look up coin icon!
Enchanting - After buying Oil you will upgrade eqiuped sword!
V 0.1: game,inventory feature,Fighting (skill) system,Bug fixes!
V 0.2: bug fixed (Cant fight battle enemies!),Fixed double dmg!
V 0.3: Better inventory background!
V 0.4: added armor in shop,Better armor textures,New enemy!
V 0.5: Now youre able to risc your own coins in village for more coins!
V 0.6: New enemy "Grizzly",No music,bug fixes,new skill "Heal"!
V 0.7: added new sword lvl.4 "Katana",Added first enchant "Oil"!
V 0.8: more enemies,Enemies are named,New enchant "Poison"!
V 0.9: new coin icon,More enemies,background music(credit inside)!
V 1.0: added bank storage (Store your coins after dead or leaving)!
V 1.1: now you can pick 100 golds from bank,more cheats!
V 1.2: better backgrounds,New textures,New enemies!
V 1.3: new shop gui,New particles!
V 1.4: you must wait to regenerate HP!
V 1.5: Enemies can attack you every 3.2 seconds!
V 1.6: if bank have more than 85 golds, they will appear on table!