
Originally released in 2016.
Game genre: Bullet hell/danmaku, arcade
Length (per attempt per game): short
Disclaimer: Len’en Project and Undertale belong to their respective creators, JynX and Toby Fox. My game is non-profit.
Optimal OS: Windows 7 or 10 (probably works OK on 8 as well)
This started as a bit of a parody and includes in-jokes/in-references to the Len’en series and Undertale. Like my previous Touhou/Len’en 2600 fangames (list of my Tumblr-published programs), this is a game where you have to avoid enemy fire. You win if you could survive all of the enemy attacks. Expect some humour and surprises!
The side games were originally going to be a separate Undertale fangame (i.e. the lack of Len’en references), but I decided to put the 2 together in the end. The abandoned Sans screen got reintroduced into the program in the end as well.
A small result of my boredom as this game came into existence because I wanted a project to work on after my big assignments and first test. A new feature in this game is the forgiveness of an attack when you first see it.
This is the first game I made after getting Windows 10. Though I’ve tried to make it work better on Windows 8, since I haven’t had one to experiment on, it is unsure how compatible it is, but I say, give a try, and tell me if and when the game crashes.
Part of the reason there are several side-games in this game is that the main game is pretty easy (for a person such as my friend, Ellis) and thus it wouldn’t take long at all for the game to be beaten. I thus decided to include some harder side games to keep them playing for a bit longer than just 10 minutes.
The Flowey side-game was originally just a gallery for the Flowey I drew. However, growing more curious about certain effects, I made it into a semi-[full-]fledged game.