
Comments (2)

What do you think?

The download-version is only one of two necessary files for a pc build. Make a folder with the game's title as its name, then put the .exe file and also put the _Data folder into the folder you just made. Then you want to turn that folder into a zip file. 7-zip is a free program that does this. Upload the resulting zip-file.
You can contact me if you run into problems.

#Clonejam #clonejamjake

Alright, here's my non-game. It plays itself, so feel free to kick back and soak up the ambience.

Spent the last couple of days making a game heavily inspired by Jake Clover's youtube account. I don't to get to play a lot of their games cause I'm on a mac and am relegated to watching let's plays. Which sucks a bit cause audio is such a core part of the experience and is marred somewhat by adding a voice over.

So, here is a self-playing game, a prepacked-let's play with no voice over. I kind of feel like the value in a lot of jake's games and also tom boogaart has nothing to do with the act of "playing" them or rather moving a character around a physical location, as is often the case. They're something new but still delivered in the old style fps or platformer package of which movement control is a fundamental part and hard to abstract away from.

There's four locations that the character chooses to visit randomly. There's also worms and worm nests around the place. Plus some hover board things wooshing around in the background. The map and everything on it is procedurally generated. I didn't add a lot of sanity checks so it's possible some stuff will get generated on top of each other but such is life, hopefully it adds to the look and feel of the game.

I used a lot of sounds from plus the art is by oryx.


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