Comments (6)
It's either this or continue giving murderers and rapists a place to live, eat, and sleep paid for by tax payers. But I suppose you guys like rewarding criminals with free stuff, huh?
LET'S EXECUTE THOSE MINECRAFT LOOK A LIKE! here' my quick LP https://youtu.be/XnSh6Lu52bI
Rawr Hello everyone! I made a quick Lets Play of this game of just how badly I fail at 'Simon Says'-like games. So many died of painful injections! :l Tooootally not my fault ;o - but either way, hope people enjoy my experience!
I really liked this game and to be honest if I had to put down some monsters myself I'd probably do it. although the days seemed really short.
I did a video on it here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc8g_Hiodl4
This is incredible. I've been vehemently against the death sentence, but I could never quite put it into words. I think, maybe with some warning to my viewers, I may try this out for my channel.
A morbid/satirical look at a questionable 21st century punishment.
Made for Global Game Jam 2016
LETHAL INJECTION is a satirical representation of the three-drug process used in most contemporary executions. In recent years many states have faced a shortage of these drugs because their European manufacturers, opposed to capital punishment, refuse to sell them to the United States. This has forced states to improvise with different drugs and this, combined with a lack of procedural fidelity, has resulted in a number of botched executions that are sometimes clearly painful or take an excessively long time to happen. This clear violation of laws protecting citizens against cruel and unusual punishment is only given a pass because many people are unaware of the procedural issues involved with lethal injection and even those that are aware tend to consider it a low priority or not a problem at all due to the perception of convicted criminals as deserving of such treatment.
LETHAL INJECTION attempts to combat this problem in two ways. First, it presents executions as painfully banal scenarios, a simple game of Simon that injects an inmate with deadly chemicals. This presents the process of ending another human’s life as a simple workplace task, susceptible to the same sloppiness and lack of care that many people experience in their own workplaces. The audio symbolically expresses this through warped and chopped-up elevator music creating a soothing and uncomfortable feeling simultaneously. The disparity between the ordinary nature of processes and the gravity of state-mandated murder will hopefully highlight the disturbing violence embedded in otherwise accepted culture. Second, this game puts the player in the role of the executioner under the assumption that many people would oppose capital punishment if they were directly responsible for the executions. Even though to some extent everyone is indirectly responsible for executions, the lack of direct participation effectively absolves them of that responsibility. LETHAL INJECTION hopes to counteract that and give players a taste of what is being done in their name.