
Comments (5)

What do you think?

someone know where is the download button?

Yes, everyone was on a tight schedule! I'm waiting for the post-contest version. I'll certainly play it!

Please check out my game too, it's called "Eat The Donut"!

Nice game mate! 5/5

Interesting game, great graphics! Add somemore pictures to gamejolt!
I included it in part 21 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Light spy

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

NOTE: This game has been temprarily removed because of bugs, but my friend managed to talk me into un-hiding the distribution again. PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!

This game was originally made for #indiesvspewdiepie

Made by:

  • Edvinas Senda a.k.a "edve98" ( @EdvinasSenda ) [Programming]

  • Brandon Smith a.k.a "branthonhotdog" ( @brandonhotdog ) [Programming + Modelling]

  • Jacobo Moreira a.k.a "Mere Illusions" ( @MereIllusions ) [ Sound Design, Composition(A lot unused)]

  • Quentin Chevalier [Modelling + textures]

You are a spy. Your mission is to steal some files from a warehouse and then blow it up. Then you are going to sabotage illuminati's plan to delay hl3 by stealing their anti-electric balls. After all this you are going to be given the final objective. Can you make it to the end?


  • WASD moves

  • Left control key crouches

  • Left Shift key sprints

  • E set's up the C4 (you cant really move it after you do that)

  • Try pressing mouse button when looking at an object, you might be able to pick it up (press again to trow it)

  • To ineract with something you have to have your mouse over it!

We faced a lot of problems when creating this game, so we ended up making it a bit crap. We are not using at least half of the things that we have made, because we could not have time to make everything wrk together.

But we had fun, and this is the first game jam for all of us. We think that this was great experience, and we learned something new(well, at least I did).

Mild Realistic Violence

Game jam's over!

So, Light spy is 168th out of 784 games submitted. I guess that is pretty good. I am hiding the distribution for now, but very soon I am going to upload a lot better version(a lot of things has been already done/fixed)

Future of Light spy