Comments (21)
Dang, that was good. Love the twist. The only negitive thing I can say about it was it could be hard to control at time but it is still awesome. 5/5
Nice game! It was a fun quick play through!
Short and sweet, even included a plot twist and all. I'd call you the next M. Night Shyamalan of the low res gaming insustry, but that'd be actually insulting. Good job bro.
Fun gameplay, nice twist at the end!
Unfortunately, the game is really short, would have played it even more if it was longer :)
5/5, surprisingly fun gameplay and I thought you managed to squeeze a lot of personality out of the minimalistic style. Also I love how her hair waves in the wind as she walks. :3 Adorable!
Lil's Quest
Game made for #lowrezjam and #dreamhackjungle
Controls: arrow keys, space to jump, enter to interact. Press S or M at any time to toggle sound.