
Here is my third game.
I didn't have any idea on how to start a typing game.
After all the trouble I've been through. I decided to look at Brackeys.
Thankfully I found a video on how to make a typing game.
This time I made up my mind in using the same code, but I also decided to add a few things and fix a few problems with the code.
It's my first time developing this kind of game and I'm having a lot of problems with the game over function and particle effects.
I acknowledge that is my lack of experience and It's not entirely my game but I'm working hard to bring a better game and applying everything that people told me to.
At the end I was able to fix the errors and also added a game over and high score.
Now the game is available in
I hope you an play it and give me your feedback.
Thanks for playing.
Link for download: