
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Really enjoyed this game! I included it in part 20 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series :)

Loving the artwork. I felt there could definitely be more of an indication when things were successful or went wrong - perhaps a screen of generic food cooking in the pot.

Also watch for immediately skipping text when pressing the up key. It seems there is not enough of a pause between inputs.

A great mechanic for a game. I'd like to see it with longer levels, and the ability to jump higher and further to prevent accidental slicing when you attempt to avoid something.

Hey Wowa!
Is there a problem with the game cause I can't seem to pass the "Slice 2 sausages" part. I slice one and the screen keep scrolling till it's blank and I keep repeating. Am i missing something?

The only thing I can't figure out is the music. It sounds...spooky? :\

Love the graphics and the color palette!


Little Chef - #gbjam3 2014

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

My contribution for the #gbjam3

Special thanks to @andmish
Logo by @andmish


Little Chef - #gbjam3 2014

Finally done, after one day work on my contribution for the #gbjam3