Comments (2)
finally an exe game that doesn't involve mario nor sonic

the year was 1991 and a mysterious package arrived at a house owned by someone called Tony. it was a Adventures of Lolo Cartridge for the NES. Tony put in the game and proceeded to play... Seizing this opportunity in the Cartridge, Lo10 haves start to KILL All Enemies, Also KILLING and EATING Lala. Tony know that this was the last thing he wished he would have done...
Lo10 (Character) owned by @jaycobzakai
Director - @jaycobzakai
Musician - @jaycobzakai
Coder - @jaycobzakai
Pixel Artist - @jaycobzakai @TheSwitchDrive @SpeedwayGames-
Sound Maker - @jaycobzakai @datonerylsguy
Playtesters - @FranciscoPachecoSelles
Voice Actor - @jaycobzakai
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language