Comments (1)
Game works perfect in Linux under Wine (Ubuntu 15.10)
Main Builds
A second entry built for the #windownsformgames / #winformgames Jam. I really had a lot of fun doing the first one and I was a little disappointed that there wasn't any other entries. So I decided to go into competition with myself.
LolSlots is a very exciting slot machine game written in C# with Windows Forms. Its not for the feint of heart as you will be on the edge of your seat the entire time.
Let me know what you guys think. This will be my last entry into the jam (I did contemplate a third). I have begun another jam and will probably only patch each game once before the deadline.
Some info for nerds:
The game itself is really simple, there are only 5 different icons (I was very tempted to add another) and it basically cycles through them randomly a few times. It took about 6 hours total build time, but its hard to gauge that as almost all of the time was multitasking. It uses .NET 4.5 and was made entirely in WinForms/C#. I used VS 2015, Photoshop CC (for most of the final art), Paint.NET for most of the placeholder art, and Audacity for editing the sounds.
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling