Comments (13)
Every single time i try to donwload this it says Failed - Network error.
Gives the player a sense of needing to rush and keep from becoming captured by the monsters, makes the body tense in concentration and gets the heart racing from fear of being caught, very nicely done.
Nicely made little game! I included it in part 8 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/BSqDm_tURgs
Lonely Corridors
You've entered a creepy old building on a dare. Little do you know that monsters await you inside... And coins.. coins are there too.
Randomized game assets
Four Levels
Hi-Score System
And a couple other secret things to achieve...
This game is up for voting for the Game Jam. If you like it, please vote for it! Thanks, and have an awesome day!
Mild Cartoon Violence