Comments (100)
ooo this game is epic you should defently think of making a full longer game of this imma do a video on it
Love your game hope you succeed as a developer make another game like this and i made i video of your game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_vHQHx35uU&feature=youtu.be hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed your game .
Hello everyone!
Here is a personal plea from me to anyone who enjoyed this little game. The time for IOTY Awards on Indie DB is soon upon us and I would be ever grateful if you would vote for "Look" on this link http://www.indiedb.com/games/look
Cheers and merry Christmas,
Checked this game out. I didn't understand what the point of this was but I forgot you said it was an interactive poem so my bad xD I do have to say as a game though, I agree with what people have said in other comments. It does feel too short. I was just starting to like the game and become interested then it was over which felt a little disappointing. Regardless of that, it was a nice experience and a relaxing play so kudos :)
It's beautiful and fun to play. However, it should say "very short" somewhere in the description. It took less than 5 minutes to finish. It's disappointing to have a game end just as you're getting into it, unless you know beforehand that it's really short. Good job, though :)
You find your self in a beautiful forest. You don't know where you are but you know you need to move. You travel through dangerous wild environments and suddenly you are there. Looking.