Comments (5)
the white eyes are a little annoying specially when they appear off screen, the cooldown between they appearing and attacking is kinda short
and sometimes the hand is a little tough to get in the right spot before oof
but the rest is fine i think
Name Your Price
this is a preview of what is to come in the future.
alpha (OLD)
this is just an alpha of the game I know there are problems with it and it's not the best but I just want to put this out there to see what the public thinks of the idea and the core mechanic so please comment
you just got a message from your girlfriend.
She wants to meet you in that old church; in private.
Well, you've made up your mind; you're going, so there's no looking back now.
white eyes - cover them with your hand

blue eyes - look at them

yellow eyes - shine your light at them

orange eyes - don't antagonize them

red eyes - Don't Look BACK

in game sprites made by Mega Chonk Seal
her DeviantArt
her Twitter
trailer music made by JustDaniel
his YouTube
his soundcloud
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed