Comments (5)
Wow, this game is brilliant! I first saw this in the nomination video of the IGF awards and thought: I have to play it. I really like the experimental gameplay and the idea to use video loops as video game graphics - but most of all I love how the different audio tracks combine to create those weird noisy rhythms and patterns. It kinda reminds me of the early Boyd Rice (
Totally great game!
hindi [bollywood music ] lol
Great idea, hard to balance well- just like rhythm games, very subjective.
Loop Raccord
Manipulate a chain of video clips to create a continuous movement. A game created for the Experimental Gameplay Project´s "Neverending Game" challenge.
Finalist for the Nuovo award in the Independent Games Festival
Finalist at the IndieCade festival
Now also available on iPad, with many improvements, fixes, new game modes, etc:
Mild Fantasy Violence
Tobacco Reference