Comments (20)
one question. HOW?
looks very nice,
anyway's I wanna say some thinks:
there is a bug, when you climb down between 2 "areas" at the same level
you stuck ate the lower section, i also were able to climb into the ground,
some how very funny :Dthe day/night cycle is very fast, i guess its because of the early acess
but if it gets any sence you should make it longer (half an hour or so)when the sun/moon is behind the cave im able to see it, should not bee if youre asking me
4 you can use the torch in the water (the light will be still there)
anyways this game is very beautiful and i hope you have comprehension
for my bad english, im sorry :D
Wow, nice pixel art. Inspired by Terraria, probably? Though, the player character reminds more of Knytt. Nice anyway.
This game looks beautiful, good work Makifag.
look cool bro! i will keep on the the updates.
"Lost hearth" is high atmospheric 2d game about surviving in the wilds. You have to find food sources, build fireplace and make a shelter. You can craft tools like axe, javelins, bow, and fising pole to make you life easier in Baltic forests, caves and swamps.
Mild Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference