
Comments (7)

What do you think?

like the game alot! its really fun and challenging. kinda simular to my game! i rated and voted, check out my game!

yeah Top3!!!

This is actually pretty good! it's indeed polished! the controls are super fluid, and is pretty appealing! good job!

voted and rated! if you got time please check out Super Nanny Sleepytime!

Oh, everything about this game is SO CUTE! It coming as a .jar, the music, the artwork, especially the little ship you control, the about and control buttons being there nicely for you to check everything out before you go. I love it! If I were to complain on something, it'd be that you can basically go full speed the entire time and just pick up the really save coins. I mostly got hit because I was getting careless after a while. Consider ramping the difficulty a bunch after 10km or something :)

Now, if you would like to check out my game, you can do so right here:

It's inspired by 80s arcade games, especially Robotron 2084 of course, and there's even a little contest revolving around it that you can enter by just getting one of the top three spots on the leaderboards! Thank you very much for checking it out if you do <3

Yay my font! Nice little game! I included it in part 8 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Lost in Space

Version: 1.2.1over 9 years ago

A game made for #indiesvsgamers gamejam

Theme: Arcade

Because I had limited time (was away most of Sunday) I decided to make a small and simple game. This game is very playable and exactly as I imagined it when I started building it, so no missing features that were planned. It's also quite polished, I haven't found any bugs yet and it runs smooth. Got problems playing? Please tell me, I'll try and fix it.

When I thought up the idea I wanted to create something that you would see on an arcade machine. "Insert coin -> play till game over -> brag about score -> repeat". This game is just that. (If you look past the fancy menu screen and score submission)

Mild Cartoon Violence

Lost in Space update! version 1.2.1

Hotfix for a crash on trophy get.
