Comments (6)
Just finished my video with some random names and a few Disney couples if anybody wants to check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clQgzqSbfRw
I played your game in vid! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R11wNLcHu1Y
The music in this "game" a) doesn't fit the theme of the game and b) is far too loud. The tester is randomized, as one would expect it to be, even if you input the same names each time. It is a silly diversion from real life, and nothing more, and it wasn't all that entertaining. No sound other than the obnoxious music, which cannot be turned down via menu commands, and the "exit" command does absolutely nothing when clicked.
All in all, not the greatest thing I've seen before. If this is your first attempt at making something, I know you can improve with time. Keep at it.
Love Tester
See chances of persons with love tester, online for free! :)