
Comments (19)

What do you think?

It’s been 10 munths: are u cancelling dis?

if u are, :(

What you make this game on?

alright man not really wanting to rush you but where is the demo?

looks awesome i love the art syle from A link to the past

wow!!, i wait the demo, good luck!!

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Dark World (Gothic Twist)

Link has gone missing, and Zelda has put a massive reward of rupees to find him. You are a new recruit to a group of bandits in Hyrule. You have been sent to answer on behalf of the Bandits of Hyrule to accept such a task.
The stronger members of the group are protecting the base from Yiga attacks, and looking for clues.


The Current Map of this game is 491 screens on a map 25x38 screens large.
Compared to LttP overworld map of 8x8 screens.
There is much to explore. You will not find every dungeon on your first play.

Companions may be chosen.
Did you like Fi? What about Navi? Or maybe Midna was your choice.
With 4 different companions with various attitudes and abilities, you can choose who you start with, and 12 more companions can be found.

Day and Night cycle changes the enemies you encounter. But beware the Blood Moon which brings out powerful boss monsters to the overworld.

Build your own house, collect resources to make weapons and armor.
Collect rings from a massive collection of possible rings that may drop from certain enemies.

Play fun minigames such as
+ Dekus vs Slimes (similar to Plants vs Zombies)
+ Pachinko (Win utility items like arrows and bombs)
+ Gachapon (Win resources that you can use to build your home)
+ Robo Beetle (Similar to the Burning Helicopter game, or Flappy Bird, with a twist)

#fangame #adventure #action #rpg #puzzle #legendofzelda #zelda #pachinko #gachapon #bandit #slime #midna #navi #fi #rupees #pixelart #bloodmoon #hyrule

Cartoon Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

I've released the demo for this game, but because I no longer have access to Game Maker Studio 1, this project is now closed. I will not be making any more progress on it since I can't now.

Added a song that will be played in the overworld.

You may notice a familiar tune in the middle. Ignore the silence at the end of it. It is unfinished, but I will be working on music and sounds to publish a playable demo this month hopefully.

I have decided I will finish the Bokoblin AI for combat, and then release a demo.

I want to start moving to a 3D style, hand drawn similar to my game Hubris: A Machine's Halo.
But I have a lot going on right now, so I may need another break.

Working on the Bokoblin AI. They will have 4 types of personalities that determine how they react, and they also feature vision cones, or rather vision circles (will not be visible).
As in the photo they will give an alert when the player is seen.

Deku Scrubs have been altered to be rather effective at hiding. Central and South Hyrule Field have been given a reasonable amount of them.
Also South Hyrule Field has been mostly finished.