Comments (4)
demo 2 is cool but it is very difficult to actually progress as most things don't respond when you press space 9/10 times when they are supposed to.
how much do i have to pay for a rpgmxp remake of this
MacAndCheeseShot Demo 2
This was my first game. I found this build on a hard drive a couple months ago and thought I should re-share it.
It hasn't aged too well in my opinion and I never finished it, and I patched out a few things I'm not too proud of, but I like having my weird and old stuff available to show how I've improved.
I was also making a remake of this at some point but I don't remember what happened to that
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Interlude
- 2.Cedric's Panic
- 3.Before the Solstice
- 4.The Tale of the Cat and the Suspicious Looking Tree
- 5.Ailurophobia
- 6.The Cat Ate the Robot (old)
- 7.The Cat Ate the Robot (new)
- 8.Dead Phosphor
- 9.Dogsong (Piano Cover by SamelTheCamelMakesStuff)
- 10.Prelude to Endurance (Demo 1 Credits)
- 11.City in the Clouds
- 12.Brutal Dogfight (Old)
- 13.Brutal Dogfight (new)
- 14.Lax's Theme
- 15.The Probably Illegal Tour
- 16.The Spire
- 17.The Queen (old)
- 18.The Queen (new)
- 19.All Hail King Cedric!
- 20.King Cedric
- 21.VS Robot
- 22.Anno Domini
- 23.Deja Vu
- 24.Reveal
- 25.Patience (Demo 2 Credits)
MacAndCheeseShot is a joke OneShot fangame made entirely by me using Unity and C#.
It includes:
New story
New areas
New characters
Multiple endings
A really bad sense of humor
Alright, the first demo for MacAndCheeseShot has just come out, so I figured I might answer some questions that I might get.
Q: Alright, so this is cool and all, but what the heck IS MacAndCheeseShot?
A: MacAndCheeseShot is a joke OneShot fangame made entirely by me using Unity and C#. Emphasis on 'joke', please don't take this game seriously.
Q: When will the full game come out?
A: I don't know yet, please be patient!
Q: Can I use the music from this game?
A: Yes, as long as you ask me first, and give credit to me.
Q: this game sucks lmao
A: Okay, I thought I should address comments like this now. This game is deliberately not very great, but if you don't like the game, I'd like to know why. And please don't leave an angry comment, that doesn't help anyone. Constructive feedback always helps.
Please help find bugs in this game!
Discord Server: discord.gg/53TDw8f
The developer of MacAndCheeseShot is not associated with the creators of OneShot in any way. This is a fangame made purely for entertainment purposes.
This game may contain spoilers for OneShot. Before you play MacAndCheeseShot, it's highly recommended that you play OneShot first if you haven't already: https://store.steampowered.com/app/420530/OneShot/
#other #oneshot
Mild Cartoon Violence
Tobacco Reference
Crass Humor