Comments (11)
I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was... so I travel from town to town challenging other muscle clad freakshows like myself to impromptu typing duels to the death!
This game was made for the Bad Box Art Jam in 72 hours. This is a really solid, really challenging and extremely fun game. Too bad my typing skills are weak, shouldn't have skipped fingers day. I couldn't beat the third enemy.
Overall the experience was tons of fun, from the simple visuals to the functional controls. Would wrangle with words again!
I love the aesthetic of this game so much. I visit this place? Great typing game. I got to the green lizard .
It was fun for the first four opponents, but some of the phrases are too long for even an expert typist to get done. I like your art style.
It's a pretty simple typing game but with fantastic presentation. Unfortunately, I couldn't manage to beat the third guy.
If there is any complaint I have it's that some of the phrases are way easier/harder than others so your success can be dependent on being lucky enough to get easy things to type.
Nice, challenging game! I included it in my Bad Box Art 2017 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look. :)
Macho Rules #badboxart2017
This is a typing game, it'll show some phrases and you'll have 6 seconds to type the word that it's being displayed... simple, isn't it :D?
An entry for the #badboxart2017 made in 3 days, based on a cover for a psp game which I don't know how to spell or what it means, so I changed the name of my entry.
I couldn't set all the features that I wanted but I'm still quite happy with it.
I planned a story for it but due to the time constraint I couldn't implement it, I'll update the game once the voting is over with the original Ideas that I had for it.