Comments (20)
let me change controls PLEASE
Pretty good game ! what is the application you use for make the game ( im french, sorry for my bad english haha)
So as I am playing I found an easier way for the controls unlike the complicated way I was doing, Q for turning left and E for turning right as W and S are fowards and backwards.
Then again thank you for your help, here is my only question, I got as far as being level 3, having my inventory almost completely filled with health potions, and found a script that says, "End of the Tomb for the moment" Is that as much as we can play? Or was there something more I did not do?
The door that says you need to press a flag stone, I keep pressing the button and the door will not unlock, I even went down the trapped floor and pressed that button just in case both buttons needed to be pressed. I played this long enough to actually get used to the controls pretty quickly. Please let me know what is going on.