
Comments (7)

What do you think?

helo i am mohammed nadem a professional gaem revyoo. i revyoo the gaem 4 u even if its poo. tiem 4 revyoo.
storey - magnetic skellington r a gaem about a skellitman escapin his meat prizn adn is discoverign teh wonders of an attic adn colectin calcium 2 surviv. 8/8 it r a hertwarmign storey im actuly surprise that u put such a indepth storey about an independents of a skelit man in 72 heures
gaemplay - teh gaemplay is very immerse u r in dark atic so it r dark adn u nede teh calcium 2 survive so it r very tense 8/8
grafix - grafix r rely indepth i rely beleve i am a skelitman getin my calcium 8/8
24/8 overall wud recomend 2 all ppl it r an experiens 2 be cherish thank u 4 dank experiens


Silly magnets, attracting wood :P Cool ragdoll game though! I included it in part 34 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

Fantastic game! 5/5

Graphics: 7/10
Idea: 3/10
Sound: 0/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Fun Factor: 6/10
Overall: 5/10


Magnetic Skeleton

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Play as the almighty skeleton. Your goal is to break into people´s houses and spook them. Be prepared for the scariest spooks of your life.


  • HD ragdoll physics

  • UltraHD Spookrendering

  • Completely* destructible environments

*well almost completely

In collaboration with @Elbcore3


Comical Shenanigans

Magnetic Skeleton FINISHED