Comments (6)
Really neat idea! I included it in part 30 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/F5PDQ9_DxRE

Cool game! Very unique aproach to the theme, nice graphics and cool machanics! I like the literal arcade!
A little confusing to get how the ghost arcade works but netherless a fun game!
If you feel like it, you can also check out our jam entry
Nice entry! The art is done really well and it's easy to pick up and understand how to play. Good Job.
Check out my entry:
cool concept
Argh, I'm running out of coins! oh well, nice simple game!
Man-Pac's Last Stand: Revenge of the Renegade Recreational Retrobots
A game made by our team of four for #indiesvsgamers.
Programming: Gan_HOPE326 (@simone_s_86) and Joss Clifford-Frith (@JossCF )
Art: Laurie Clifford-Frith (@Laurie_CF)
Music and Sound: Craig Green (@notsosuperdruid)
An army of ravenous rampaging renegade arcade machines is out for your coins, and it's time for you to give them what they want... until they explode!
Coins are both your weapon and your lifeline - shoot them fast to smash those pesky cabinets into pieces, but once they've fallen on the ground they can be picked up - don't let that happen! Lose all your coins and Game Over.
Explode the machines to get your coins back, possibly hurting and destroying more cabinets. Chain kills and rack up your multiplier to get spectacul(arcade) scores!
Move with WASD
Aim with mouse
Shoot with left mouse button or space bar
Special thanks: the font we used, Blackout Midnight, is one of The League of Moveable Type's many excellent open source fonts. Check them out!
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence