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Marathon day 12 - The Keypad Breaker

Version: 1.0.029 days ago

You are a technician working for the "modern door lock" manufacturing company called TKB. You voiced your concerns about detachable numpad keys over multiple occasions, but the company didn't listen and went with them anyway. And, as it was expected, young prankster started stealing keys from door locks, and even replacing them with their own modded version. Now the company is facing a massive backlash, and you've been task with client support. Whenever a client gets locked out of their own home, they call you, and your job is to drive there and open their door. Not fixing the keypad, not replacing missing keys, just opening the door and leaving. And boy, do they call a lot...

Day 12 of a "one game per day" marathon, made in 7 hours.

#other #tiny #puzzle

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