Comments (3)
What a great concept! Wish it was longer and not a "completed" game! But sometimes there is only so much you can do with a game! please continue to make more games like this and continue working on your craft! Here's alittle let's play of mine! please enjoy and let me know what you think! Thanks!
=< https://youtu.be/HKD4hbZrVf4 >= Enjoy!
(regaining signal),......., p[E@$E D0n'T G0 W1tH,..............,$£R!OUS C0n$eQu£ncES,.....It 1s noT safe,......., pLe@se ch00$e carefully, d0n'T gEt ...., DANGEROUS do nOT,..........(signal lost).......(regaining signal)......Y0u MusT L£ave, L£ave!,........(signal lost)........
Cartoon Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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