
Comments (13)

What do you think?

I played through this game, and first things first, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. It was a lot of fun and, for the most part, it felt very real and in-character.
I do have a couple of complaints, though. First, there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes (this is partly me being an obsessive spelling nazi, though, so feel free to ignore it).
Second, the battles. Almost all of the battles outside of the boss fight are one-hit kills, which are kind of a let-down, and ALL of the battles are really easy. There isn't really any challenge in the game.
Third, you have a habit of instant-death-ing the player with no warning. I get that a lot of people do this , but as a player who forgets that a save button is a thing, I find this grating. I would suggest prompting the player to save before dropping an instant-death choice on them.
But, enough complaining. I really did enjoy this game. Like I said at the top, it feels very in-character, and when it slips out, I personally find it excusable.
One of my favorite moments of the game was very early on, during the first interaction with your avatar and Mark, when your avatar let it slip that they were in a game and Mark went off on a ramble. That, in my opinion, was equal parts funny and adorable. And the "erase that from your memory" line was just made of win. Also, the presence of Tiny Box Tim. That alone wins some points.
Lastly, there are two points in the game that I enjoyed immensely for the exact same reasons: right after you reach the school, and when the "mysterious figure" is in the classroom with your avatar and Bob and Wade have just left. I like these moments because we're given the choice to just walk away, give up, and be a terrible person instead of some perfect hero who always does the right thing; a choice we don't often see.
Anyway, I think that's it, now that I've rambled on for a ridiculous amount of time.

Loved this game (so much so that I created an account on here just to tell you this :) ). Couple of things I noticed during my play-through (though most of them seem to have been covered by seancooper)
Cut-scene events (don't know the proper term for them) seem to play again if you return to the spot that triggered them. (I'm guessing this is a limitation of RPGmaker, right? Going by what you said previously)
It's possible to get infinite (or as near as) potions/antidotes from a fridge in the office (definitely not a complaint, just an observation ;) )
You should really use a better photo of yourself during the sections you feature in (again, just an observation, but that photo of you doesn't really do you justice)

All that said, really enjoyable game. Looking forward to hearing you starting on your next project as soon as your final GCSE is finished :)

Finally, something from real-life to a game. To elaborate, your high school, and Mark, and possibly Bob, wade(wade doesn't deserve uppercase), Jack, and Yamimash. (I haven't played the game yet) And I congrats to you(I can't seem to spell congragulate correct. See.) for making a game mixed with all of you high school work. I am currently on spring break and that is why I'm not doing many things, even then I have to weave game time with story writing, chores, weird thoughts moments(you have them too, at least hopefully). Also, while writing this, this thought crossed my head: What gender is the game developer? Could you answer that question?

			                      ~Sean Cooper

MARKIPLIER - The Totally Not Spoopy School

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

One day Mark wakes up with his usual craving for meat, but when he arrives at the kitchen he finds a mysterious, but familiar figure, and he's kidnapped Tim! Now Mark has to venture out to a cliche haunted school (that so happens to be the developers high school) and rescue his friend. But what challenges await?

This is an indie RPG maker fan-game for the youtuber Markiplier. This is my tribute to his somewhat ridiculas youtube adventures! This also happens to be my first ever game so forgive some of the more amateurish elements, but when you want to be a game develper you have to start somewhere!

Note: I do not own most the assets of this game, credit goes to the creators of RPG Maker and Dracina for the Mark sprite.

Everything in this game is 100% possible and tested, if you do happen to come across any bugs or glitches I missed please post them in the comments, all constructive critisism is welcome.

Requires RPGmakerVXace RTP:

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans
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