
Master Brain & Protectobot
This is my very first game, all sound, graphics, and code by The Wzzard! The current version is super playable though possibly short. Two Player is largely untested so it might be buggy.
Master Brain & Protectobot is a single-screen 2D defensive shooter. Play as Protectobot as you defend Master Brain from the energy beings while Master Brain performs experiments in the Nightmare Dimensions! Play solo or 2 person local coop! Destroy the energy beings quickly to keep from being overrun! Install randomized upgrades to increase Protectobot's performance! Survive for the specified amount of time to go into the next dimension!
Basically you protect a stationary target by platforming around the stage and shooting the encroaching enemies. Destroying enemies gives the player randomized upgrades, so 3 are chosen at random and the player picks from the three. Upgrades and health carry over between levels and perma-death is in affect for the time being. There are currently two basic projectile weapons, a continuous firing burst mode, and a single shot with a charge shot mode. Players can switch back and forth at will and the upgrades change both weapons in different ways. I tried to go all out on having upgrades that create different projectile behaviors so there is piercing, bouncing, sinusoidal movement, spreads, bursts, scatter, increased fire rate, increased projectile speed, along with additional movement options for the player including more max health, extra jumps, and speed upgrades. I have many more upgrades and weapons to add and there will probably be a choice of load-out in the final version along with mutator options and an endless mode where it cycles through the levels with increasing difficulty. Xbox controllers are supported and recommended!
I am really interested in feedback so please lay it on me!
The current version is a0.01. Updates should be coming soon!
Features to come:
Hilarious Dialogue
Endless Mode
Difficulty Options
More Upgrades
More Weapon Options
Player Stat Tracking
More Levels
More Backgrounds
More Graphics
More Music
More Enemies
Other stuff!
Font Credits:
manaspace from codeman38 - http://zone38.net
Hemihead from Typodermic - http://typodermicfonts.com/
The Wzzard Stuff main logo font is The FontStruction “3D Thirteen Pixel Fonts” - http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/851388 by “30100flo” is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.
“3D Thirteen Pixel Fonts” was originally cloned (copied) from the FontStruction “Thirteen Pixel Fonts" - http://fontstruct.com/fontstructions/show/761985 by “30100flo”, which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.