Throw your hat in the air
Finish the tutorial.
The Secret of the Hat
Unlock the medium levels.
Diving into the fun
Unlock the hard levels.
The Unrelevantness Prize
What are you doing here? Get back to work.
Activate ALL the traps!
Activate all trap tiles on level Medium 3.
5 * 10^6
Get your number over 5.000.000.
'Easy' does not exist in math.
Finish all easy levels.
The Median
Finish all medium levels.
Dude, you are TOO smart.
Finish all hard levels.
Smarter than smart(ies)
Beat the game by visiting the credits.
Trap Tripping
Activate all (exept one) traps in level Hard 2.
Lucky Number Seven
Achieve this trophy to view the description.
100% Energy conversion efficiency
Beat all 20 levels.