Comments (27)
What did you use to make this? Gamemaker?
i remember tricking a friend with this.
while his back was turned i took his laptop and opened the sceensaver.
he thought someone was hacking into his computer and pulled the battery out to stop them. XD
I think this is pretty cool, makes me look like i'm doing something important :D
this is similar to the "desmoscene" demos, a non interactive software with artistic porpuses. Nice
i cant download it O.o ! really whant to see this :o . Check the game dstributions, and please put the exe and the screensaver file, it would be cool a pice of software art :D
Matrix Screensaver
A project I'm working on for now, expect updates soon. Press Esc to exit. please comment if you know anything that could be added to it, thanks for reading and playing.