Comments (7)
Wait, I just realized I followed this like back when it was just a few weeks old without rating it, I have NEVER done that before.... Lol. Has the game been updated since it's early stages without a devlog or has there currently not yet been an update or what? Also, are you planning on updating more often, slowly creating the game or are you just gonna do 1 huge update with the rest of the story? And final question, will there be devlogs?
I've tried the demo and it's good start. Too bad couple bugs hindered my gameplay
Buying pocket knife gave no change in attack
Paper ghost appeared inside neighbor's house
When I tried to unequip pocket knife, I lost the weapon instead
Loading a saved game when there's no saved game crashed the game
Dying = stuck
I hope those will be fixed :)
I would like to know some details from the game, as you give nothing but "it is an rpg" in the descriptions. First, what sets it apart from other rpgs? The thing that interested me and brought me here was the "magnetize" gif. Second, are there any cool features not found in normal rpgs? Any other details would help.
The Alpha stuff
Game Soundtrack
This is a gameboy-style RPG made in the same vein as games such as Pokemon, Dragon Quest, and Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.
In this game, you play as a 10 year old girl named Maya as you adventure through the land to kick the demons invading your country out, trying to find the Demon King himself who is invading.
The demo available is pretty outdated, just a notice. Please let me know if you encounter any problems or bugs, though, just in case I missed anything. Any feedback is definitely appreciated!