Comments (4)
Nice little maze game, one thing I would suggest: Instead of getting string input and making the user press Enter everytime they want to move, you should just wait for single character input so right when they press W,A,S,or D it moves the character and updates the screen. Just a little thing I would do if I were making it, other than that it's pretty sweet console project. Cheers!
Maze runner
A simple maze solver to pass your time when you are borred at work :).
You move with w a s d, and quit with q.
every maze is randomly generated.
This is my new and updated code first version of my code can be seen here and you can see how the maze is generated in slow motion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lch_4YCPMSI&list=UUrmQt5-jDlnI4Hj9UZHiwpQ