
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Beautiful graphics. I included it in part 23 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)

A very fun game that has many possibilities. With so little time to do all this is something to admire.

You are very good, keep it up.

The game's alright. It looks really good but there really isn't much in terms of actual gameplay. It's just frustrating opening up the chests, seeing cool things in them that I can't even interact with. I also notice the player has 4 hearts but the demon thing kills you in one hit every time so it really doesn't matter. The way back from getting the key is a really long corridor so you need to be really lucky and hope the demon doesn't spawn or you're done.

#716? Totally not fair. You guyz deserve much better!

Esa música me pone nervioso! me gusta mucho la tensión que crearon, aunque me parecieron un poco incómodos los controles al principio con el tiempo logre acostumbrarme, Debo admitir que no logre salir del calabozo pero me gusto el juego en general :)

Vote por ustedes!



Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Dont look back and escape from THE MAZE! but first you have to find the key if you want to be free.. #indiesvspewdiepie

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