Comments (3)
Time to update this to be more accurate
yes ik im late plz don't kill me
Beta 1 is now out, get it today!
Play My New Mod Here: https://gamejolt.com/games/ahbasics/477403
Minecraft's Basics 4 Beta 1 (ZIP)
Minecraft's Basics 4 Beta 1 (RAR)
Welcome To Minecraft's Basics 4, the fifth mod in the Minecraft's Basics series. This mod will hopefully include features such as:
- A Custom Map, Built From Scratch
- A 3D Title Screen
- New Items, Characters, And Endings
- A Map Which You'll Have To Fill Out As You Explore (Maybe)
- A Head Indicator
And More!
After escaping herobrine for the second time, you find yourself in a strange place. It appears to be some sort of cave, but something feels wrong... You hear a hiss, then a bang. Now you realize, you must ESCAPE creeper cave.
You can submit loading screen images and tips here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPtDhb8hPpp5wdXI2gygf_7SF7IqOuSYTPbKAqBAlfqRzdRg/viewform
Help expand the minecraft's basics wiki here: https://minecrafts-basics-series-wiki.fandom.com/wiki/Minecraft%27s_Basics_Wiki​
#survival #action #minecraftbasicsmodseries #baldimod #baldisbasicsmod