MC Eagle Tribe Mod
The Test Build for the Minecraft Eagle Tribe Mod. MC 1.16.5
MC Eris Skin
Here is the Eris the Eagle custom made Minecraft Skin.
Introducing the Eagle Tribe Mod for Minecraft. This Minecraft mod adds different stuff from Lego Legends of Chima including various versions of Eris the Eagle, Chi orbs, and Chi Blocks. This mod is perfect for Lego Legends of Chima lovers who wants to make Lego Legends of Chima themed worlds or servers. Crafting is also included to turn Chi orbs into Chi Blocks.
To install the mod, make sure you install Minecraft Forge for Minecraft Java Edition and copy and paste the .jar file to: %AppData%/Roaming/.minecraft/mods
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence