Comments (3)
Really nice graphics! I included it in part 51 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :) http://youtu.be/43LWQ_VqfBQ
Nice job man. 5/5
This just be my opinion but I think it has potential to be a great game.
Meanwhile In Tokyo
Voted #203 in indievspewdiepie jam** **(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Meanwhile In Tokyo is a top down 3D shooter with a 80s retro futurism feel. (kind of)
You play as a survivor of a mind control outbrake and must kill your way using your lazer firing boombox
You have 1 health, try and kill as many "enemies" as you can.
Made in under 72 hours solo for #indiesvspewdiepie
^I recomend playing the downloadable verison as the web verison GUI cuts off^
@You may record and upload this game on youtube and use ad revenue@
!Lunix has not been tested!
!Mac has been tested!
!Windows has been tested!
There is one easter egg, try and find it :3