
MECHAPOCALYPSE is an action third person shooter set in a modern world that has been invaded by beasts from Hell. The cities of man have all but crumbled under the might of demonic forces, and only one hope remains. Humanities’ experimental mecha M.E.G.A. is ready for deployment at the final hour. Take control of this killing machine and wreak havoc upon the satanic horde! Over the course of several levels, you will devastate enemies in a wave spawning style with powerful, satisfying weaponry. You will enter Hell itself and go on the offensive, hunting down demons on their own turf.
Post Mortem
MECHAPOCALYPSE was a fun game to create and develop. A lot of things went right, and our team is happy with final product we created. We worked together to create components individually, and then integrate them together into the Unity game engine. The biggest problem that we faced during the development process was over scoping. Our plans for the game were too large upon initial brainstorm, and we tried to integrate too many ideas. One idea we ultimately ended up scrapping was an alternate character for the player to play as. We unfortunately had to abandon the idea, even though the model was finished. In the end, we realized we had to scale down our idea into something that could be created within the span of half a semester and play well.
Eduardo Avila - 3D Artist
David Benavidez - 3D Artist & 2D Artist
Tyler Fujikawa - Programmer
Syed Jafferi - Programmer
Brandon Pham - Programmer
Theo Xenakis - Level Designer & Programmer