Comments (10)
hey do you want voice acting
interesting project
This game looks awsome
wheres mr.hippo
Mediocre - Times
A fangame of fnaf made by @MrTerpha
Links: Discord

In an alternate universe to FIVE NIGHT AT FREDDY´S, neddbear and friends are the most visited pizzeria of the 80s.
But everything would change when a failure in the animatronic endoskeleton would cause a serious accident in the restaurant.
So the restaurant would have to be closed. local to never open again.
Many years later in 2025, you will have to enter to investigate the place since several employees who keep the place clean for a future attraction have reported seeing how the animatronics move.
MR TERPHA- Creator / Design / Assets
Hax, shadows soon beta tester
TAGS: #horror #action #fangame #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf