Comments (13)
I don't know, I think it's got everything it needs. Work on a new game :)
This game is awesome! (Coolest projects, Slender guy)
I love this
It was the best game on my jam. Not because it was the only one, but it's pretty good.
Mega Death Space Stalin Super Fun Time YEA
This is an education game teaching you about Russian Dictatorship between the years 1878 -20XX. You must defeat the mighty Mega Death Space Stalin in space before he destroys the universe.
This game was created using the phaser web based engine found here: "https://phaser.io/"
I mean no offence to the russian people in this game, its just ment for fun and entertainment purposes only.
I hope you injoy the game. I would love some feed back in the comment section, be as negative as you like, I can take it. This game is stable but there is so much more that can be done with it, please give me any ideas you have and I will steal them. thanks.
This game probably has lots of bugs, If you find any please inform me via the comment section. thanks, you're the best
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