Comments (51)
where can i really begin, I can see what you wanted to do, and that is alright, a game is a game, i couldn't make it myself but, but what baffles me, is, i have seen a let's play of your game, and... why, did you make Blitz man's stage, teleport you to a beta version of his stage ?
This is all your fault Why did you make blitzman stage a glitch i cant enter his gate
and i cant enter blitzman gate
In blitz man level why the ladder i had the 2nd mega man
Well, in just 5 minutes of gameplay, I was able to find 10 bugs by accident, not counting the difficulty that the game gives to the player
the idea itself and nice, but the game can not be so good compared to several other modifications I've seen in other fan games, plus those who manage to get attached to the game are very fond of it (maybe)
Mega Man The Final Chapter
I was a kid when the NES Mega Man games came out. It was Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3 that got me obsessed with Mega Man. I dreamed of making my own Mega Man games, and went as far as drawing out my own robot masters and levels and story lines. I never thought that I would actually be able to create an actual Mega Man game. So this project was very special for me to make. I wanted to keep the spirit of Mega Man here so I used enemies from the 1 - 6 Mega Man titles. I put pieces from robot masters together to make new robot masters. And since Capcom may never make another Mega Man game, there may never be a close to the 8 bit Mega Man story. So I thought I would make up my own. I started from a complete blank Game Maker project and programmed as close to the original I could, you will notice some differences like speed or jump. Anyway I hope everyone enjoys and plays this as a fan and for fun.
STORY: It hasn't been long since Dr. Wily last attacked. (Mega Man 10). People are at unease and rightfully so, because Dr. Willy, challenges Mega Man to a final battle. No tricks or traps just Mega Man vs Dr. Willy.....and his 8 newest robot masters!
Mild Cartoon Violence