
Megahog A Particular Boss Rush
"Trying to make his gift big as a tree"? Two can play at that game. It's about time I returned the favor. - PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE REMIXING!! - If you intend to remix this, please change at least one thing and give credit to those mentioned in the credits below. - PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE REMIXING!! - - UPDATES - v1.0 12/25/2020 (Christmas Day) Initial release. v1.1 12/31/2020 (New Year's Eve) Added missing boss healthbar colors. v1.2 1/25/2021 Added an additional music track that's exclusive to Superhero Mode. v1.3 3/6/2021 Made C an optional Slide Button. - CONTROLS - Arrow keys to move. Z to jump and X to shoot. Down and Z to Slide/Dash. -WARNINGS- Bright flashes will occur frequently. Please take caution if you're prone to seizures. It is reccomended to turn off the volume occasionally during play sessions. Extensive listening to compressed soundwaves can do extended (or in worser cases, permanent) damage to the ears. - COPYRIGHT NOTICES - THIS IS NOT MEANT TO OFFEND NeonScratcher1275 OR INFRINGE ANY COPYRIGHTS IN ANY WAY, AND I DO NOT OWN ANY PART OF THE MEGA HOG SERIES WHATSOEVER. IF NeonScratcher1275 DISSAPROVES OF THIS PROJECT'S PUBLIC APPEARENCE, I WILL TAKE IT DOWN PROMPTLY. I APOLOGIZE IF I DIDN'T ASK PERMISSION EARLIER (I was wanting to keep it a suprise). - SPOILER ALERT - The main antagonist does end up appearing near the end of the game. I highly reccomend playing the original game (link is below) beforehand. I'd also advise not playing Superhero mode until after Mega Hog 2's release (spoiler reasons). Check out the awesome game this project's inspired off of: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/238248390/ Don't forget to check out a demo of the sequel, too: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/328994481/ Face off against the familiar faces of the Blur Bomber's first journey...with an additional twist! You'll just have to fight the bosses to see for yourself. But take caution...This robotic rampage isn't for the faint of heart! Are you capable of dismantling the evil plans of the ruthless Neon Slatcher? - A SPECIAL THANKS - NeonScratcher1275, thank you for being a great friend. I've learned quite a few things over the few years we've been talking with each other, So I decided I'd return the favor with a deticated gift. - BEGINNER'S CREDITS - Nintendo, SEGA, Capcom, Marvel, NeonScratcher1275, 321RetroGamer, TvgR, Upperland, Epic Studios and wherever it could be due. The rest of the credits are in-game. #shooter #platformer #adventure #sports #bosses #megahog #megaman #arcade