Comments (4)
Using the NES Megaman in 16-bit worlds just doesn't look right. Maybe replace him with the one from Wily Wars on Sega Genesis. I just think mixing bitages looks really messed up.
Not bad for a GM training project...if you haven't found out about it already, quick tip: to be able to jump up onto a platform (going through it to get there) simply have there be 2 objects, one which collides and one which doesn't, and have it so that when the character is below its height, it changes to the non-colliding object, and when the character is above its height, it changes to the colliding object.
nice game man, but its realy like mario except the lv 3 but if you die in the lv 3 maps the game is suddenly stuck, lol you put your photo in lvl 2
Megaman Crossover WIP
is a small project that started last week to initiate me into the Game Maker. Megaman can shoot, destroy bricks, reclaim lives with mushrooms, stomp enemies, etc ... I hope their views. The main idea is to put megaman in 16-bit games (SNES)
PD: sorry the bad english.