
The megaman zero mod is a based on a capcom saga of the blue robot that we all want and love #fnf
- Mimicru Alopard
- Ale
- idkwhatisthis123
Test players:
- XxSeyroxX
- Aldo1111
- Mimicru Alopard
- Sombrasss
- Mimicru Alopard
In one day, our little blue-haired protagonist and his red-haired partner are affected by the father of the red-haired lady, and they are transported to a world that looks deserted, walking trying to find some help they see in the distance a tower of a group of people calling themselves the resistance.
The development of history is at the base of the resistance
Creditasos pete:
- Momicru paputard
- Ale qlo no quizo ponerse un credito chistoso >:(
-Rata xd
Los flecheros:
- el que no sabe ni potos xdddddddd
Los que lo jugaron cuando no existia la publicacion AAAAAAA:
Segurito el angelito xdddddddddd
Los que spamean publicidad ahahshdhsahjdahja:
Los diyeis papu BVVVVVVV:
- Momicru paputard
- la que se estresa si no sube fotopoto
Los que se partieron el lomo para que pudieras wachar tremendos graficos del año 973470420783782864932986423986 VVVV:
- Momicru paputard
Thank you very much for reading everything, of course, if you understood.
I hope to bring you the demo of the mod as soon as possible