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Hi, everyone. I've come to spread awareness about the tragic fate of this game's creator, Wertpol, who commit suicide on an unspecified date in 2018. This is his story as I understand it. Wertpol seems to have suffered from depression, though it may have been more than that. Presentable Liberty's popularity gave him the inspiration to keep living, but that popularity dwindled over time. His Kickstarter to fund remakes/remasters of Exoptable Money and Presentable Liberty failed, as did his attempts to contact Mark to help promote it, though that's just a tragedy of circumstance, as Mark gets far too many messages to see them all. His new content failed to gain any notoriety, the depression came back, and he ended his life, believing himself forgotten and alone. Presentable Liberty is not just a product of good writing. Wertpol was speaking from his heart, his experiences, and his suffering, creating a story to convince himself and others to keep hanging on, even in the worst of times. In the end, he essentially met the same fate as his character Charlotte. To provide some solace in this situation, Wertpol did accomplish one of his goals. On Presentable Liberty's Gamejolt page, one user commented how the game stopped them from committing suicide. But, in the end, the man who saved others could not save himself.

Comment from a fellow youtube user.

This may be a wrong place to mourn, but the creator of this game died last year in June. I believe it has a year since he died since June was last month; This game was a masterpiece. It got lots of positive comments and such things. May he rest in peace.

While nothing will ever fill the void that Robert (aka Wertpol) left behind, I hope we can do him justice by remembering him and keeping his work alive. With his family's blessing I am working on an official remake as tribute to him. You can find out all about it here

You can also join my Discord if you like

Rest in peace, Robert

i know im a few years late to this but i had just remembered this game after having watched markiplier play it, then playing it myself, around when it had come out. it was genuinely one of the best games i had ever played. it was a very emotional experience watching and playing the game and there hasnt been a game that made me feel how i did all those years ago. im sure wertpol would be happy to see people still reminiscing over his games even to this day. ive just bought the game and i hope the money will help someone. rip robert aka wertpol may this game carry on your memory

SO SAD!!!! Why, Charolette? Why?

Name Your Price

Menagerie II: Presentable Liberty

Version: 1.1.0about 8 years ago


Please consider backing the remakes of this game and its predecessor, Exoptable Money, on kickstarter!

You have been imprisoned without being told why. All you can hear day in day out is the faint ticking of a clock in your cell. That is, until the first of 5 fateful days begins.

  • The amazing 'sequel' to Exoptable Money

  • Much less money than in the first one

  • Twice as many amazing characters

  • Tick tock tick tock

  • 4 times as many letters

  • No cat

  • The Doctor would like a word with you

Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed



First Trailer for the Remakes

Looking for a programmer to help with the remakes

Development blog for the remakes

I now have a ‘development blog’ thing for the remakes of Exoptable Money and Presentable Liberty.

Update 3