Comments (171)
My mind will never be the same
what is this game its just weird and creepy
Underrated masterpiece
It's a trippy game with an interesting story. It's even more fun when you're actually on hallucinogens.
Didn't know Cyriak is a game dev. :P
Middens Download (Windows)
Game Soundtrack
Middens is an exploration game using collage and original pixel art in tandem that takes the perspective of a drifter traversing a veritable x-zone. Roving its interminable wastes the nomad chances upon a sentient revolver beside an ominous pile of remains.
The pistol offers its exploit in exchange for a pledge of inextricable compansionship. Espousing to be the player's conscience the dubious weapon directs the drifter to a nearby outpost wherein the story further unfolds.
Despite its appearance as a wasteland the rift is home to many strange denizens---
some volatile and others ineffectual. Whatever their disposition the pistol represents the choice to engage them or to spare them. Aggression and passivity have their appropriate times with rewards and consequences being granted to both paths respectively.