Comments (75)
Cute game! Love it
Loved the artistic style, and the game mechanics were cool. This also was the first game I recorded that caused me to not finish completely due to overwhelming rage:
i always wanted to play as a naked slenderman XD
Good game but the running and jumping mechanics definitely took the fun out of it for me. The greatest challenge wasn't the puzzles (which I enjoyed) but simply trying to manoeuvre around correctly. Running is to be avoided at all costs unless absolutely necessary - it is the lack of control directly when you stop running that will get you raging (and if you run towards and stop at a wall enjoy a moment of dead time before you can continue). And only jump after precisely calculated that you are exactly where you need to be, because there is oddly no room for error. Just make the controls more fluid, that's all.
The game's controls are not good, atleast not friendly. First of all, the "z" to run key: I'm from Croatia and here the keyboard localization is "z" replaced with "y" so the game for me is unplayable since the 4 keys are too far appart. Secondly the "a,s,d" keys for the power-ups seem absurd because 1 key could do the job pretty much the same, or am I mistaken.
Otherwise, great idea and visual style!
P.S. I never got past the mirror-image and the 4 floor buttns because of the the "z" key for runing thing.
Mirror yourself, walk on walls, and run through hordes of machines to escape the labyrinth.
Left/Right Keys: Move
Up Key: Jump/Climb Up
Down Key: Flip Switch/Climb Down
A Key: Deploy Mirror Self
S Key: Shift Gravity
D Key: Disable Enemies
Z Key: Run
R Key: Reset