Comments (4)
Not a single horror-related thing, and a very simple puzzle mechanic, once you figure out what to do the first time. Overall, a pretty "meh" experience.
I included this game in an article of my favorites from the Asylum Jam!
Very nice concept! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Asylum Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/N2sVuDN74bA
This is a bit late. Game Jolt wasn't processing my project so I had to reupload.
Made for the #asylumjam2017 in 48 hours.
Midnight is a 3D Puzzle game with horror inspirations.
You enter an unknown station. It's dark. Very dark. The dim glow from the ships accent lighting barely paints the walls a pale blue hue. You move down the hallway, a light shines from around the corner. As you move towards it through the hanging dust glimpses of movement in the shadows catch your eye. Is someone there? Something? Perhaps.
A shadow looms against the wall then fades from sight as you approach the source of the light. Turning the corner a glowing orb comes into view. It's alone in the corridor adding warmth to the environment around it. You move to take it, but before you can it darts towards you and hovers in front of your hand. Curious you move further into the station.
The original goal was larger than intended. The storytelling unfortunately did not make it into the game jam version of the game. This, unfortunately means that a lot of the horror also went away.
WASD: Move
Left Mouse: Throw Orb
Right Mouse: Recall Orb
3rd Party Assets:
In order to build this a number of 3rd Party Assets were used.
Everloop: Background Music
Little Dragons: Textures/Models
HX Volume Lighting: Volumetric Lighting Effects
Unity Post Processing Effects: Bloom and other post Effects
Probuilder: Prototyping puzzles and some in game Models
Rewired: Input
Manufactura K4 Top-Down Sci-Fi: Level Models and Environment
UBER: Shaders