
Comments (2)

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i am working on minecraft 2d like game i dont want copy minecraft i will add my own features,blocks and more #adventure #survival


I have player stats save and load system done

now i need to save blocks,entities and environment stats

Good New : I am going to work lot at this game i really like making at this game so be ready for Super Updates

Coming Soon : Save and load

New Small Update 1.1.2

-Items now drop after death

--Fixed Bugs--

-mobs being invicible when in front of blocks

-Random Invicible mobs

New Small Patch 1.1.1

I think you need to reinstall game if you want update

Update Log

-Mob Despawning added

1.1.0 Released

To Update you need to Reinstall Game

Enjoy new Content! :D

(I want to work on other projects so this game will no longer be my Main Game and updates will be Very Low Freguent)

BuildWorld 1.1.0 Trailer
Game :|Discord|:👍dúfam že ďas Like⏺natačam OBS STUDIO✂strihám SONY VEGAS ...

1.1.0 Update is basically done but i need to make Trailer and school started and i need to do Some Testing So you must wait Few Days

-New Update will bring Monsters,New Items and more So be ready to jump into new Adventure in Few Days

1.1.0 Coming Soon at end of Summer
What will be coming?

-Pig,Zombie,Skeleton,Secret Monster

-Iron Tools



-And More

Working on Mobs

Coming soon in 1.1.0

1.1.0 Update
i am working on other projects/games so the update will release in a month but i think it is needed Update because now the game is Peacefull i need to add monsters/animals

If anyone sawed any bug in game please report it