Next up
I added Monsters and Day/night cycle
First version of the game will release in a week or two
1.1.0 Coming Soon at end of Summer What will be coming?
-Pig,Zombie,Skeleton,Secret Monster
-Iron Tools
-And More
Coming Soon 24.12 Christmas Update
0.6.0 last update before 1.0
New blocks
New Trades
2 coins = 1 wood log
5 coins = 1 iron ore
20 coins = 1 dia ore
1 coin = 1 stone
Ways to get coins
5 coins - destroy iron ore
20 coins - destroy dia ore
1 coin - harvest leaves
Hello everyone!
I'm thrilled to announce that Caesura is officially released! After many months of development, the updated demo is on Gamejolt and the full game is available on
Thank you for your support.
Zla pastelka
The Dark Jumper Christmas Update is Released
After 11 months, I returned to development and here are the results:
-Now the character in the alpha build is a pumpkin!
-All basic mechanics are implemented at a normal level
-I have drawn a time graph (very bad) My new game For SeaJam #TeamSeas
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