Missile Command 2022 _ Amstrad _ GX4000 & CPC+
A downloadable game
For 50th years birthday of Atari ,
And as a tribute to one of my first childhood game on Atari 2600,
Here is Missile Command adaptation from scratch for Amstrad GX4000 / CPC+
CPR will be release here : Saturday 19th of November at 5.00 PM ( 17H00) (UTC+1)
Code : Cyrille "Ayor61" Gouret (GGP Team)
Graphics and screens : Eric "Titan" Cubizolle
Adapted Chiptune LW Software from Cyrille Ayor61
Gameplay :
Joypad : Moves the Target
Fire 1 : Shoot ! / Start the game
Fire 2 : Access to next Level
P Key or Pause Button of GX4000 : Game Pause
& Any key /joypad control for restart.
6 cities to defend !
30 munitions maxi per level
2 shoots maximum on same raw ( 3 maximum was on Original Atari 2600 game )
If missile hit the Base Point : -10 missiles penalty
Each 1000 points : 1 city bonus extra credited
( if 1 city at least destroyed )
(if no damage at this moment , the bonus is recorded and will be credited later when 1 city became destroyed )
10 city bonus maximum per game
20 levels with increasing skills to complete this game
20 differents colors designed #shooter #arcade #retro #amstrad #amstradcpc #gx4000 #atari #atari2600 #missilecommand