Comments (8)
I love game art. Really fun and cute! But I'm sorry to see I can't be Eros.
It is kinda confusing. I didn't understand it at all.
MoleMan Graphic Assets
This 2D Sidescrolling Autorunner is about MoleMan, who helps finding Love for poor blind moles! It can be played with Mouse & Keyboard or Controller.
You can play MoleMan in your browser. However it is still recommended to download the game for the following reasons:
Better Performance
More supported Languages & Setting Options
Configurable Controls
More Reliable Pause Menu
To take Screenshots
There are two ways to play MoleMan:
Keyboard + Mouse
Fly Up: W | Up-Key | Controller Left Stick
Fly Down: S | Down-Key | Controller Left Stick
Aiming: Mouse | Controller Right Stick
Shooting: Left CTRL | Left Mouse | Controller Back R
Pause: ESC | Controller Start
Screenshot: F6 | Controller Back L
Training: To practice aiming, based of Easy Difficulty and without Ducks
Classic: Four different Difficulties, the Goal is to make 10 Mole Pairs, Highscores are only saved offline
Endless: Based of Extreme Difficulty, no goals except to get the highest score possible, highscores are saved online
(Online Features are provided by PlayFab)
Online Highscores: Highscore for the Endless Modes are saved online at your Account. Account creation & login can be done ingame
Online Leaderbord: Display your own Rank & Score, aswell as the Top 10 Players for the Endless Mode. Requires an Account
Screenshot: You can take Screenshots and these are saved in "%Gamefolder%/Screenshots/"
Offline Highscores: Highscores for the Classic Mode are saved offline and can be reset from a button
Languages: Supported Languages are: English, German & Danish. You can change your language in the Settings Menu
Detailed Ingame Overlay & Endgame Screen
-Made by TheLuigiplayer & KiritoGames20
#action #platformer #sidescroller #autorunner #highscores #arcade #retro #2d #pixelart #casual #leaderboard